technical snowboard course

Geek out and get in-depth understanding with our technical snowboard courses. No more skidding and scraping, instead get solid grip all over the mountain.

Learn performance precision all the way along your edge. Training how to hold it, work it, and shape each turn how you want, gaining more control and confidence.

*  *  *  *  *

"Great week spent with TORR Snowboarding. In depth technical coaching plus lots of laughs thrown in. I would definitely recommend TORR Snowboarding to anyone who wants to develop their riding." 

Tripadivisor review - Dom

Technical course information 2024

Get shredding with style and control!

Who's it for?

  • Single travellers.
  • Friends or family traveling together.

Level required?

  • High intermediate to advanced riders.
  • Ability to ride the full mountain.

Snowboard coaching

  • Monday to Friday.
  • 5 days x 3 hours per day.

Your advantages

  1. Pin point bad habits holding you back.
  2. Develop key areas in your riding.
  3. Improve snowboard control and skills.
  4. Improve confidence and style of shred.
  5. Meet fellow riders who love snowboarding.

Group size

  • Minimum 3 - maximum 6 riders


  • €445

start dates

Jan. 24 Available places






Feb. 24 Available places
5th 5
12th 2
19th 2
26th 4
Mar. 24 Available places
4th 4
11th 4
18th 4
25th 5

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